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The Secret Guide to Joy & Prosperity

Life-Changing Wisdom from a Fun-Loving Spiritual Guide

What is this website and book all about?

"This is what you'd get if 'The Secret' and 'Conversations with God' met Dave Barry at a Jerry Seinfeld concert."

A number of good books have been written over the years by people who claim they have channeled the word of God, or in essence, took dictation from the Supreme Being.

Conversations with God and A Course in Miracles are in this category. Of course, The Bible is the most prominent example.

There are also many books and recordings by people who feel they have received messages from spiritual entities of some sort or another. The Abraham-Hicks material, Jane Roberts and the Seth books, and the Kryon series are good examples here.

There’s a lot of great wisdom in all of these sources.

But, have you ever wondered ...

What would it be like if the Almighty didn’t use a go-between to interpret His words? What if God (or some similar all-knowing entity) actually wrote a book Himself?

What if He (or She) made it fun to read and accessible to everyday people?

And, most important, what if this spiritual guide had a playful attitude and a great sense of humor?

If all of these things came to pass, what kind of book might the Omnipresent One write?

Keeping reading to find out ...