A Few Words (829 Words, to Be Exact) About Abundance
So ... let’s talk about abundance. It’s a topic that a lot of people have a hard time wrapping their minds around. And that’s too bad, because abundance is one of the key features that was originally programmed into the operating system of life.
And no, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had nothing to do with this operating system. A lot of people like to think of them as Gods, but that’s not the case.
However, one thing that ole Bill and Steve seemed to understand was the concept of abundance. In their cases, a LOT of abundance. Billions and billions of times over.
But the abundance I’m talking about isn’t all about money. It includes money, but it’s also about joy, fulfillment, contribution, peace, happiness, serenity and that most misunderstood of four-letter words ... love.
(Sorry if it feels like I’m about to break into a song and dance number here. Don’t worry, I’ll spare you this time. But I must warn you: I do a pretty mean “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”)
As I was saying, abundance is a natural part of the very fabric of your existence. It’s your birthright to give and get as much as your heart desires. The world you live in and the energy that flows throughout it are teeming with opportunities and possibilities.
Houston, We Have a Blockage
The problem is, you and many of your fellow humans have cut yourself off from this abundant flow of wealth – in all of its many forms. You don’t tap into it because you tell yourself all kinds of crazy things. Like ...
“I’m never going to get that job. Why even bother applying for it?”
Or “I can’t afford it. I live paycheck to paycheck.”
Or “He would never go out with me. I’ll just spare myself the pain of rejection.”
Sound familiar?
This is one of those “you need a good whack upside the head” moments. Why do you do this to yourself?
As I’ve already explained, the universe is perfect just as it is. It’s also infinitely abundant. If you don’t believe me, try painting Jupiter sometime.
Don’t laugh. I did it once, and I had to make 14 million trips to Sears to get paint. Why do you think that planet looks so darn pretty these days? Talk about your extreme makeover!