You always have a mental notion of some kind before you take action to wash your car, walk the dog, mow the yard, read a book, or jump up to do the Hokey Pokey.
And, knowing what I do about you, the same thing can be said of running from the Hokey Pokey. Of course, the thought that precedes that action is, “Oh no, I won’t be caught dead putting my right foot in, or any other appendage, for that matter.”
Hopefully, you’re getting the point here. Thoughts lead to actions. Now let me take it a step further. More specifically, specific thoughts lead to specific actions.
For instance, a general thought such as “Why don’t we ever have anything good to eat around here?” leads to you rummaging around the kitchen for something that resembles food. You may end up with an apple, a plate of leftover lasagna, or a half-eaten Ho Ho.
A fuzzy thought leads to a fuzzy action that may or may not lead to you truly satisfying your desire.
However, if you have a more specific and affirmative thought, such as “I sure would like to try my hand at that new eggplant Parmesan recipe” … the actions that follow will be more focused and more likely to result in a meal you will enjoy.
Bottom line: The quality and content of your thoughts have a direct effect on the actions you take and the results you get.
Which begs the question ... What are you thinking?