First Time Here?

STOP! If this is your first time here, be sure to Read This First!

Damaged Goods or Damn Good?

Millions of people, including you, make the sad mistake of internalizing this misguided belief of imperfection – that the world they live in is flawed or tainted. That the odds are stacked against them from the get-go.

Too many humans think about their lives and the world they live in as if it’s a broken toaster they picked up at a garage sale. And now they’re stuck with it ... until the next fool comes along and takes it off their hands.

This might be a tough concept to grasp, Sparky, but you have to understand this if you ever want to start living a happy and prosperous life: The universe is perfect.

The stars, planets, molecules, atoms and even the birds, bees, flowers and trees all operate perfectly by the laws of nature (which yours truly helped enact).

There are no angry electrons, no paranoid Eucalyptus trees, no pissed-off cumulus cloud formations. If you feel negative emotions in your world, they only exist because of the mental perceptions created by you and your fellow humans.

Sure, it may seem like a simplistic, la-di-da view. You probably think I’ve been brainwashed by listening to too much Kenny G music. Or worse, Yanni. But the fact remains: The natural world you live in is perfect.

And when you start from a realistic foundation of perfection, you’re in a much better position to process the events of your life in a way that will allow you to live with serenity, harmony and abundance.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.