First Time Here?

STOP! If this is your first time here, be sure to Read This First!

The Wide and Wacky World of Abundance

Look at the world around you. This place is huge and growing all the time. Have you been to the mall lately? Go there. You’ll see what I mean. It’s gigantic!

Also, read up on astronomy sometime. You’ll learn that the galaxies are expanding. The entire universe is spreading out. This thing is so big, nobody knows where it ends.

Well, actually, I know where it ends. Of course, I know. But I’m not telling.

The point is, the world you live in is abundant. It’s always growing, evolving, expanding, seeking out the best way to thrive.

Therefore, since the world operates this way, and since you are of this world, it only makes sense to realize that you are naturally wired to operate in the same way.

To believe otherwise means you think the rules of the universe don’t apply to you. Somehow, you’re special. You must have been born into some kind of hermetically sealed vacuum where the laws that govern every atom, molecule and living thing in the universe don’t affect you. You exist in your own little “it’s all about me” vortex.

(If it seems like you’ve heard this speech before, I did not steal it from an old episode of Star Trek. Actually, I think it was X-Files.)

Flipping Out Over Your On and Off Switch

I know this abundance thing can be tough to grasp. Life is complicated. At times, it can seem like nothing is going your way.

For instance, take relationships. When you’re single, everyone you’re interested in treats you like a used Kleenex. The moment you have a partner, everyone wants to get into your ... um, business.

Actually, there’s a lesson in this relationship example. When you operate from scarcity, the abundance pipeline shuts down. When you’re in a receiving mode, the floodgates open. Then all sorts of opportunities present themselves.

Sometimes you have a direct connection to the free-flowing abundance. Other times the signal gets lost.

But you can’t blame this bad connection on the weather or the satellite dish or your brother-in-law. In this sense, it is all about you – and how you choose to open up your soul and tap into the natural flow of energy, prosperity, love and relationships into your life.

You are abundant because you live in an abundant world.

Everything has the potential to expand and is filled with infinite possibilities. And that includes everything from bank accounts and job openings to TV channels and checkout lines.Oh yeah, and waistlines. And let’s not forget bustlines.

Are you feeling abundant now? I sure hope so.