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STOP! If this is your first time here, be sure to Read This First!

A Spiritual Gender Bender

Another thing: While Bob, Joe, Mary and Steve are traditionally either male names or female names, please don’t assume I’m a particular gender. I’m actually gender-neutral.

Don’t laugh. There’s no genetic, social or political reason for this. It’s just that I’m … not actually a “person” in the usual sense.

I know what you’re thinking: “I finally discover someone who understands me and he (or she) doesn’t even exist. Thanks a lot, Bob.”

Have no fear. I exist all right. It’s just that I prefer to hang out with you more as a presence than as a physical entity – although, in a very tangible way, I exist in your world at all times.

Confused yet? I don’t blame you. Even I’m starting to get a headache — and I don’t even have a head.

If you’re beginning to think this is all a bit too freaky, let me ask you a couple of questions: When was the last time you experienced a great feeling of joy or ecstasy? When was the last time you felt deeply satisfied?

Yes, I’m thinking of the same event as you (and we should both be blushing right now).

So tell me: Could you touch that feeling? I’m not talking about the person or thing that inspired the feeling, but the actual feeling itself. Could you pick up and hold the attitude you had about life at that moment?

Of course not. But did that make your joy and satisfaction any less real?

Think of me in the same way. I may not be flesh and bones, but I’m very real nonetheless. And the thoughts I bring to you through this book will have a tangible, positive and long-lasting effect on your well-being and future success.